Edinburgh Consultants Group
Realising Value, Profit and Ambitions

A series of dynamic learning interventions designed to inspire and deliver individual, team and organisational change.
Experiential Tools
Our unique Business Process Mirrors™ reflect individual, team and organisation hardwiring… Your catapult to growth.
A range of insightful, self-directed learning resources designed to compliment our programmes and tools to accelerate growth.
About us
Edinburgh Consultants Group are leaders in Experiential Learning Tools, Management training, International Webcasting.
We can help with your Organisation’s Climate of Engagement, Your Leadership Effectiveness, your Management Capability and Potential and your Impact in partnerships with Clients, Employees, Colleagues and Suppliers.
Our Bottom Line is your Bottom Line. Our focus is your customers customer.
Our unique fusion of capabilities (Sales, Management, Organisation, Change and Fianance) gives us a pragmatic cutting edge and the creation of “world class” workouts, a world class Management, Sales and Leadership Tool Kit as well as the vital Measurement Analytics (Blue 4 Performance Management™ with which you can accurately measure Continuous Improvement of your Business.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!
I would never have imagined that so much relevant learning could come from 30 mins participating in one of your Business Mirrors
Two sales today…maybe best response ever to a training day!!
Thank you for your excellent delivery of the course, your energy and attention to detail and the time to focus on individuals one on one. My team have really embraced and absorbed it, but most of all really enjoyed it.
I just wanted to take the time to let you know how good that training was, how it’s impact stayed with me for years and years, and how much I benefited from it.
They trust us

Recent News
Highland Cross 50 mile duathlon
It’s 20 mile Hill run from Kintail through Glen Affric followed by a 30 mile bike race to Beauly.
Bike 4 Forty, 738 Miles in 9 Days Challenge
Bike 4 Forty is a gruelling bike ride, spanning over 738 miles and climbing the equivalent of Mt. Everest, or the height of a 50 storey building every hour!
Winners! Investing in Skills Development at the Grampian Food Forum Awards 2016
It was worth a formidable eight hour drive the Manchester to Aberdeen to be given the title of Guest of Honour at the table of Joseph Robertson Ltd. Joseph Robertson Ltd were finalists in the Grampian Food Forum Awards 2016, Innovative Investors in Training and People...
Macphie and Stewart Milne join forces at Staff ‘Graduation’ Day
Macphie of Glenbervie & Stewart Milne are today (9th August 2013) jointly celebrating a graduation ceremony for 12 employees, six from Macphie and six from Stewart Milne, who have successfully completed an eight month course on Managing People for Growth (MPFG)....
Contact Edinburgh Consultants Group
Call us: UK: +44 131 370 4700
Edinburgh Consultants Group Ltd
104 Constitution Street,
Edinburgh, EH6 6AW