Global Predisposition Indicator (GPI™) is a measure of behavioural preferences, the ‘real you’. Rather than measuring how an individual actually behaves, GPI™ measures how an individual prefers to behave. GPI™ makes the distinction between personality and behaviour explicit. In this respect it does not confuse the two concepts.
Predispositions indicate the behaviours which are likely to be comfortable and delivered naturally and those that aren’t so. This indicates where individuals need to develop so as not to neglect role required behaviours or deliver the ‘out of character’ behaviours in a gauche way.
Following many years of research and practical application, GPI™ possesses impressive levels of reliability and validity. Our feedback process is highly practical by virtue of the manner by which accredited Behaviour Coaches help the client to consider the realities of organisational life, understanding how their natural and therefore comfortable behaviours, thought processes, perceptions and feelings impact the way they do their job.
HR professionals, line managers, change specialists, independent coaches can all be trained and licensed to use GPI™. GPI™ has a state-of-the-art IT platform, which allows secure 24/7 access to data and access to a variety of reports to support client engagements.
GPI™ can be used in a wide range of applications, some of which are located on the left hand tab.